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About us

We are an independent real estate consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.

We offer a comprehensive and personalized service, providing our customers with the necessary tools at all times throughout the process, from product sourcing to marketing, by providing all the necessary resources and the right solution for every need.

tcgi servicio profesional


Jaime Puelche socio de TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Jaime Pueche


He began his professional activity in 1994 in the field of real estate consulting and brokerage, after 8 years in the family business of buying and selling collector’s cars. With a degree in Business Administration and Management from ICADE, he has developed his career as an independent professional for more than 20 years, advising in the market on land, hotel and investment operations, diversifying his activity not only in Spain but also in England, Germany and the United States, among others.

Martín Perea socio de TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Martin Perea


After working in the international division of Banco Atlántico as Deputy Director of the Legal Department for 8 years, in 1999 he began his professional career in the real estate sector as Partner-Director of the Real Estate Department. Offices-Investment of the company Gabinete Inmobiliario SA, where for 17 years he managed to position the company as one of the reference consulting firms in the office market, advising on some of the most important operations in the sector. Since 2016, he has been one of the founding partners of TC Gabinete Inmobiliario.


Mariano Valcárcel director adjunto de TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Mariano Valcárcel

Deputy Director

Sergio Rodriguez responsable dto. agencia de oficinas TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Sergio Rodriguez

Director Agency

Ricardo Díaz responsable dto. de inversión TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Ricardo Diaz

Director Investment

Javier de la Fuente consultor senior dto. de inversión TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Javier de la Fuente

Senior Consultant Investment

Raul Alonso

Senior Consultant Agency

Jenny Pérez consultora dto. de inversión TC Gabinete Inmobiliario

Jenny Perez

Consultant Investment

Marisol Orbegoso

Consultant Agency